camping - Online in the Cloud

This is the command camping that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



camping - small Ruby web framework for MVC type applications


camping app1.rb app2.rb...


Camping is a web framework which consistently stays at less than 4kb of code. The idea
here is to store a complete fledgling web application (written in Ruby) in a single file
like many small CGIs, but to organize it as a Model-View-Controller application like Rails
does. You can then easily move it to Rails once you've got it going.

Specific options:
-h, --host HOSTNAME
Host for web server to bind to (default is all IPs)

-p, --port NUM
Port for web server (defaults to 3301)

-d, --database FILE
SQLite3 database path (defaults to ~/.camping.db)

-C, --console
Run in console mode with IRB

-s, --server NAME
Server to force (mongrel, webrick, console)

Common options:
-?, --help
Show this message

-v, --version
Show version

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