cg_diff - Online in the Cloud

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cg_diff - compares two Cachegrind output files


cg_diff [options] cachegrind-out-file1 cachegrind-out-file2


cg_diff takes two output files produced by the Valgrind tool Cachegrind, computes the
difference and prints the result in the same format that Cachegrinds outputs.


-h --help
Show the help message.

Show the version number.

--mod-filename=<expr> [default: none]
Specifies a Perl search-and-replace expression that is applied to all filenames.
Useful for removing minor differences in paths between two different versions of a
program that are sitting in different directories.

--mod-funcname=<expr> [default: none]
Like --mod-filename, but for filenames. Useful for removing minor differences in
randomized names of auto-generated functions generated by some compilers.

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