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cvscheck - Offline status report for files in a checked-out CVS module.


cvscheck [dir]


cvscheck prints information about the status of your local CVS checkout without
communicating with the server. This means it is extremely fast and does not require a
network connection.

The given directory and all of its subdirectories will be processed recursively. If no
directory is given, the current directory and its recursed subdirectories will be used.

Each file with an interesting status will be printed with a status character in front of
its name. The status characters are as follows.

? foobar.c
The file is not known to CVS

M foobar.c
The file is definitely locally modified

m foobar.c
The file might have local changes. You should diff with the server to make sure.

C foobar.c
The file has a CVS conflict and therefore cannot be committed.

U foobar.c
This file is in CVS but is missing in your local checkout.

T foobar.c
This file has an unusual sticky CVS tag.

A foobar.c
You have done a cvs add for this file, but have not yet committed it.

R foobar.c
You have done a cvs rm for this file, but have not yet committed it.

This utility is part of the KDE Software Development Kit.

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