dbar - Online in the Cloud

This is the command dbar that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dbar - ASCII progresbar


echo <percentage> | dbar [options] <indicator text>


dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks or you can define these marks dynamically at
runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in this case the value specified at
runtime will have a higher priority.

You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a negative min value
and positive max value.

All numbers are treated as double precision floating point, i.e. the input is NOT limited
to integers.


-l Label to be prepended to the bar (default: "" ).

no new line, don't put '\n' at the end of the bar (default: do print "\n")

Value to be considered 100% (default: 100).

Value to be considered 0% (default: 0).

-s Symbol represeting the percentage value in the meter (default: "=").

-w Number of charcaters to be considered 100% in the meter (default: 25)


Static 100% mark or single value input:

echo 25 | dbar -max 100 -l text

Output: text 25% [====== ]

If your 100% mark changes dynamically or 2-values input:

echo "50 150" | dbar
| |
| |__ max value
|__ value to display

Output: 33% [======== ]

If your value range is not between [0, maxval] or 3-values input:

echo "50 -25 150" | dbar
| | |
| | |__ max value 100% mark
| |
| |_____ min value 0% mark
|________ value to display

Output: 43% [=========== ]

Multiple runs:

for i in 2 20 50 75 80; do echo $i; sleep 1; done | dbar | dzen2

Output: Find out yourself.



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