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dbatbl - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command dbatbl that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dbatbl - Manage on-disk reference tables for DB-ALLe


dbatbl [command] [options] [args...]


This tool allows to index and query the tables that are needed for normal functioning of

dbatbl always requires a non-switch argument, that indicates what is the operation that
should be performed:

Print a help summary.

help manpage
Print this manpage.

cat tableid [tableid [...]]
Output all the contents of a WMO B table..

grep string
Output all the contents of the local B table whose description contains the given

expandcode varcode [varcode [...]]
Expand the value of a packed variable code.

describe [options] what [values]
Invoke the formatter to describe the given values. Supported so far are: "level
ltype l1 l2", "trange pind p1 p2".


dbatbl follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two
dashes (`-').

Option for command cat
-?, --help
print an help message

verbose output

-c, --csv
output variables in CSV format

--crex read CREX entries instead of BUFR

Option for command grep
-?, --help
print an help message

verbose output

-c, --csv
output variables in CSV format

--crex read CREX entries instead of BUFR

Option for command expandcode
-?, --help
print an help message

verbose output

Option for command describe
-?, --help
print an help message

verbose output

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