dh_bash-completion - Online in the Cloud

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dh_bash-completion - install bash completions for package


dh_bash-completion [debhelper options]


dh_bash-completion is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing completions
for bash, usable installing the "bash-completion" package.

If a file named debian/package.bash-completion exists, then different actions are
performed, depending on its format.

It can be a proper completion snippet, and in that case it would be installed in the
completion directory, and no other actions would be performed.

It can also be a list of files, with an optionally specified name to call the completion
snippet after. The file format is as follows:

my/path/to/foo-completion # this would be installed as "foo-completion"
my/path/to/bar-completion baz # this would be installed as "baz"

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