epminstall - Online in the Cloud

This is the command epminstall that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



epminstall - add a directory, file, or symlink to a list file.


epminstall options file1 file2 ... fileN directory
epminstall options file1 file2
epminstall options -d directory1 directory2 ... directoryN


epminstall adds or replaces a directory, file, or symlink in a list file. The default list
file is "epm.list" and can be overridden using the EPMLIST environment variable or the
--list-file option.

Entries are either added to the end of the list file or replaced in-line. Comments,
directives, and variable declarations in the list file are preserved.


epminstall recognizes the standard Berkeley install command options:

Make a backup of existing files (ignored, default for EPM.)

BSD old compatibility mode (ignored.)

-g group
Set the group owner of the file or directory to group. The default group is "sys".

-m mode
Set the permissions of the file or directory to mode. The default permissions are
0755 for directories and executable files and 0644 for non-executable files.

-o owner
Set the owner of the file or directory to owner. The default owner is "root".

Strip the files (ignored, default for EPM.)

--list-file filename.list
Specify the list file to update.

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