extractattr - Online in the Cloud

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extractattr - extract element attributes from UI and XML GUI files


extractattr --attr=name [ --attr=name ... ] [ --context=name ] file ...

extractattr --help


extractattr finds all of the given element attributes within the given files. It then
writes the corresponding i18n() calls to standard output (usually redirected to rc.cpp) so
that xgettext can parse them. Only the attributes specified by --attr will be extracted.

Both Qt designer (.ui) files and XML GUI (.rc) files are understood.

This utility is part of the KDE Software Development Kit.


Specifies an attribute to be extracted. This option may be used multiple times.
The name argument must be of the form Element,attribute or
The context is optional, and is used in constructing the i18n() calls. If
specified it will override the default context set by --context.

Give all i18n() calls the given context: i18n("name", ...).

--help Display a summary of options.


extractattr --attr=Title,data --attr=Description,data,Stencils file.ui

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