fixkrfp - Online in the Cloud

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fixkrf - Fixes DNSSEC-Tools keyrec files whose encryption key files have been moved


fixkrf [options] <keyrec-file> <dir 1> ... <dir N>


fixkrf checks a specified keyrec file to ensure that the referenced encryption key files
exist where listed. If a key is not where the keyrec specifies it should be, then fixkrf
will search the given directories for those keys and adjust the keyrec to match reality.
If a key of a particular filename is found in multiple places, a warning will be printed
and the keyrec file will not be changed for that key.


Display output about missing keys, but don't fix the keyrec file.

Display output about found keys as well as missing keys.

Display version information for fixkrf and DNSSEC-Tools.

Display a usage message.


Copyright 2004-2014 SPARTA, Inc. All rights reserved. See the COPYING file included with
the DNSSEC-Tools package for details.

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