flow-log2rrd - Online in the Cloud

This is the command flow-log2rrd that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



flow-log2rrd — Process the STAT: lines from flow-capture and flow-fanout to RRD files.


flow-log2rrd [-p rrd_path]


The flow-log2rrd utility processes the STAT lines generated by flow-capture and flow-
fanout and converts them into RRD files. RRD's are stored as
rrd_path/capture|fanout.hostname.srcip.dstip.port.rrd. The Datastores are flows,pkts,lost
representing flows, packets, and lost flows respectively. Flow-fanout generates an
additional DS nobufs indicating the number of times a write() failed with ENOBUFS.


-p rrd_path
Path to store files.


Convert flow-capture STAT lines in /var/log/netflow to RRD's in /flows/rrd/.

cat /var/log/netflow | flow-rpt2rrd -p /flows/rrd

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