grep-excuses - Online in the Cloud

This is the command grep-excuses that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



grep-excuses - search the testing excuses files for a specific maintainer


grep-excuses [options] [maintainer|package]


grep-excuses downloads the autoremovals and update_excuses.html files and greps them for
the specified maintainer or package name. The wget package is required for this script.
If no name is given on the command line, first the environment variable DEBFULLNAME is
used if it is defined, and failing that, the configuration variable described below is


--no-conf, --noconf
Do not read any configuration files. This can only be used as the first option
given on the command-line.

--wipnity, -w
Get information from <>. A package name must
be given when using this option.

--help Show a brief usage message.

Show version and copyright information.

Investigate and show only testing propagation excuses, not autoremovals.

Print debugging output to stderr (including url(s) fetched).


The two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are sourced in that
order to set configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override
configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are ignored for this purpose.
The currently recognised variable is:

The default maintainer, email or package to grep for if none is specified on the
command line.

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