guile-2.0 - Online in the Cloud

This is the command guile-2.0 that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



guile - The GNU Project Extension Language


guile [-L DIRECTORY] [-l FILE] [-e FUNCTION] [] [-c EXPR] [-s SCRIPT] [--] [SCRIPT
[ARGs for SCRIPT]]

Only the most useful options are listed here; see below for the remainder.


GNU Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It extends the R5RS
and R6RS language standards, providing additional features necessary for real-world use.

Guile works well for interactive use, basic scripting, and extension of larger
applications, as well as for stand-alone Scheme application development.

The guile executable itself provides a stand-alone interactive compiler and run-time for
Scheme programs, both for interactive use and for executing Scheme scripts or programs.

This manual page provides only brief instruction in invoking guile from the command line.
Please consult the Guile info documentation for more information, (type info
"(guile)Invoking Guile" at a command prompt).


Add DIRECTORY to the front of Guile's module load path.

Load Scheme source code from FILE.

After reading SCRIPT, apply FUNCTION to command-line arguments. Note that FUNCTION
is evaluated, so, for example, (@ (my-module) my-proc) is valid here.

The "meta switch", used to work around limitations in #! scripts. See "The Meta
Switch" in the texinfo documentation for more details.

-- Stop argument processing, and start guile in interactive mode.

Stop argument processing, and evaluate EXPR as a Scheme expression.

Load Scheme source from SCRIPT-FILE and execute as a script. Note that in many
cases it is not necessary to use -s; one may invoke guile simply as guile SCRIPT-

-ds Carry out -s SCRIPT at this point in the option sequence. Note that this argument
must be used in conjunction with -s.

Start guile with the debugging VM. By default, debugging is on when guile is
invoked interactively; it is off otherwise.

Start guile without the debugging VM, even if guile is being run interactively.

Compile source files automatically (default behavior).

Disable automatic source file compilation.

Listen on a port or socket for remote REPL connections. See the manual for more

Load SRFI extensions N, M, etc. For example,

Add EXTENSION to the guile load extension list.

-h, --help
Describe command-line options and exit.

-v, --version
Display guile version and exit.

-q In interactive mode, suppress loading the user's initialization file, ~/.guile.


If $GUILE_LOAD_PATH is set before guile is started, its value is used to augment
the path to search for Scheme files when loading. It should be a colon-separated
list of directories, which will be prefixed to the default %load-path.

If $GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH is set before guile is started, its value is used to
augment the path to search for compiled Scheme files (.go files) when loading. It
should be a colon-separated list of directories, which will be prefixed to the
default %load-compiled-path.

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