i3bar - Online in the Cloud

This is the command i3bar that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



i3bar - xcb-based status- and workspace-bar


i3bar [-s sock_path] [-b bar_id] [-v] [-h]


i3bar will automatically be invoked by i3 for every bar configuration block.

Starting it manually is usually not what you want to do.

You have been warned!


-s, --socket sock_path
Overwrites the path to the i3 IPC socket.

-b, --bar_id bar_id
Specifies the bar ID for which to get the configuration from i3.

-v, --version
Display version number and exit.

-h, --help
Display a short help-message and exit


i3bar displays a bar at the bottom (or top) of your monitor(s) containing workspace
switching buttons and a statusline generated by i3status(1) or similar. It is
automatically invoked (and configured through) i3.

i3bar supports colors via a JSON protocol starting from v4.2, see


Used as a fallback for the i3 IPC socket path if neither the commandline contains an
argument nor the I3_SOCKET_PATH property is set on the X11 root window.


Nothing to see here, move along. As stated above, you should not run i3bar manually.

Instead, see the i3 documentation, especially the User’s Guide.

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