ib_send_bw - Online in the Cloud

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ib_send_bw - RDMA send bandwidth test


ib_send_bw [ options ] [ server IP address ]


This program tests the bandwidth of RMDA send transactions.


-p, --port=<port>
listen on/connect to port <port> (default: 18515)

-m, --mtu=<mtu>
mtu size (default: 1024)

-d, --ib-dev=<dev>
use IB device <dev> (default: first device found)

-i, --ib-port=<port>
use port <port> of IB device (default: 1)

-s, --size=<size>
size of message to exchange (default: 1)

-a, --all
run sizes from 2 till 2^23

-t, --tx-depth=<dep>
size of tx queue (default: 50)

-n, --iters=<iters>
number of exchanges (at least 100, default: 1000)

-C, --report-cycles
report times in cpu cycle units (default: microseconds)

-H, --report-histogram
print out all results (default: print summary only)

-U, --report-unsorted
(implies -H) print out unsorted results (default: sorted)

-V, --version
display version number

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