integrit - Online in the Cloud

This is the command integrit that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



integrit - file integrity verification system

This manpage is a brief reference and may be out of date. The definitive texinfo
documentation should be viewable by running "info integrit".


integrit -C conffile OPTIONS

integrit -V

integrit -h



Specify conffile as the configuration file for integrit.


Show integrit version information and exit.


Show brief help.


Produce XML output.


Do update - create a new database that reflects the current state of the system.


Do check - compare the current state of the system to a database containing a
snapshot of the system when it was in a known state.


Manually override specification of the current ("New") database. Normally it is
set in the configuration file.


Manually override specification of the known ("Old") database. Normally it is set
in the configuration file.


Lower integrit's level of verbosity.


Increase integrit's level of verbosity.


The integrit system detects intrusion by detecting when trusted files have been altered.

By creating an integrit database (update mode) that is a snapshot of a host system in a
known state, the host's files can later be verified as unaltered by running integrit in
check mode to compare current state to the recorded known state. integrit can do a check
and an update simultaneously.

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