intel_gpu_top - Online in the Cloud

This is the command intel_gpu_top that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



intel_gpu_top - Display a top-like summary of Intel GPU usage


intel_gpu_top [ parameters ]


intel_gpu_top is a tool to display usage information of an Intel GPU. It requires root
privilege to map the graphics device.

-s [samples per second]
number of samples to acquire per second

-o [output file]
collect usage statistics to [file]. If file is "-", run non-interactively and
output statistics to stdout.

-e ["command to profile"]
execute a command, and leave when it is finished. Note that the entire command with
all parameters should be included as one parameter.

-h show usage notes


intel_gpu_top -o "cairo-trace-gvim.log" -s 100 -e "cairo-perf-trace /tmp/gvim"
will run cairo-perf-trace with /tmp/gvim trace, non-interactively, saving the
statistics into cairo-trace-gvim.log file, and collecting 100 samples per second.

Note that idle units are not displayed, so an entirely idle GPU will only display the ring
status and header.

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