jbig2dec - Online in the Cloud

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jbig2dec - File format converter specialized in JBIG2 decoding


jbig2dec [options] file.jbig2
jbig2dec [options] global-stream page-stream


The jbig2dec command converts JBIG2 files to png or pbm files.

When passed a single file argument it is interpreted as a JBIG2 file stream, with either
sequential or random-access organization.

When passed two stream arguments, they are interpreted as the global and page-specific
portions of an embedded organzation, as used in PDF. If a particular page references no
global segment stream, /dev/null can be passed for the global-stream argument to request
the embedded parser.


The options are as follows:

-o file
Store the decoded output in file. Defaults to the input with a different
extension. Set to - for standard output.

-t type
Force a particular output file format. Supported are png and pbm.

-d or --dump
Print the structure of the JBIG2 file rather than explicitly decoding it.

--hash Print a hash of the decoded document.

-q or --quiet
Suppress warnings and other diagnostic output.

-v or --verbose
Report additional information about the decoding process. Pass just -v for
information about the file as it's being decoded. This is the same as --verbose=2.
Pass --verbose=3 or higher for debugging information.

Show program version information.

-h or --help
Show usage summary.

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