kcutiltest - Online in the Cloud

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kcutiltest - command line interface to test the utility functions


The command `kcutiltest' is a utility for facility test and performance test of the
utility functions. This command is used in the following format. `rnum' specifies the
number of iterations. `path' specifies the path of a file.

kcutiltest mutex [-th num] [-iv num] rnum
Performs test of lock primitives.
kcutiltest cond [-th num] [-iv num] rnum
Performs test of condition variable primitives.
kcutiltest para [-th num] [-iv num] rnum
Performs test of parallel processing.
kcutiltest file [-th num] [-rnd] [-msiz num] path rnum
Performs test of the file system abstraction.
kcutiltest lhmap [-rnd] [-bnum num] rnum
Performs test of doubly-linked hash map.
kcutiltest thmap [-rnd] [-bnum num] rnum
Performs test of memory-saving hash map.
kcutiltest talist [-rnd] rnum
Performs test of memory-saving array list.
kcutiltest misc rnum
Performs test of miscellaneous mechanisms.

Options feature the following.

-th num : specifies the number of worker threads.
-iv num : specifies the interval between iterations.
-rnd : performs random test.
-msiz num : specifies the size of the memory-mapped region.
-bnum num : specifies the number of buckets of the hash table.

This command returns 0 on success, another on failure.

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