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kcutilmgr - Online in the Cloud

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kcutilmgr - command line interface of miscellaneous utilities


The command `kcutilmgr' is a tool of miscellaneous utilities, and to show the
configuration. This command is used in the following format. `file' specifies a input
file. If it is omitted, the standard input is read. If it begins with "@", the trailing
substring is treated as the input. `pattern' specifies an matching pattern.

kcutilmgr hex [-d] [file]
Performs hexadecimal encoding and its decoding.
kcutilmgr enc [-hex|-url|-quote] [-d] [file]
Performs Base64 encoding and its decoding.
kcutilmgr ciph [-key str] [file]
Performs Arcfour cipher and its decipher.
kcutilmgr comp [-def|-gz|-lzo|-lzma] [-d] [file]
Performs ZLIB encoding and its decoding. By default, use the raw format.
kcutilmgr hash [-fnv|-path|-crc] [file]
Calculates the hash value. By default, use MurMur hashing.
kcutilmgr regex [-alt str] [-ic] pattern [file]
Prints lines matching a regular expression.
kcutilmgr conf [-v|-i|-l|-p]
Shows the configuration of Kyoto Cabinet.
kcutilmgr version
Shows the version information of Kyoto Cabinet.

Options feature the following.

-d : perform decoding (unescaping), not encoding (escaping).
-hex : use hexadecimal encoding.
-url : use URL encoding.
-quote : use Quoted-printable encoding.
-key str : set the cipher key.
-def : use the deflate format.
-gz : use the gzip format.
-lzo : use LZO encoding.
-lzma : use LZMA encoding.
-fnv : use FNV hashing.
-path : use the path hashing of the directory database.
-crc : calculate the CRC32 checksum.
-alt str : replaces matching substring with the alternative string.
-ic : ignores difference between upper and lower cases.
-v : show the version number of Kyoto Cabinet.
-i : show options to include the headers of Tokyo Cabinet.
-l : show options to link the library of Tokyo Cabinet.
-p : show the directory path of the commands.

This command returns 0 on success, another on failure.

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