kic - Online in the Cloud

This is the command kic that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



kic - an editor for integrated circuits and photolithography masks


kic [-t <tech>] [-d <display>] [<kicfile>]

<tech> Information about layer names and general preferences are taken from the file
stored in the library with the name kic_tech.<tech> , e.g with the option -tabc ,
the technology file is used. Technology files are searched in the
current directory or the one defined with the environment variable KIC_LIB_DIR.

is the X11 display name to be used. If not given, $DISPLAY will be used.

is the file that should be edited.


kic is an interactive graphical editor for drawing patterns used to generate photomasks
for lithography (production of integrated circuits etc). Note from the README file
accompanying the distribution:

KIC is distributed by Whiteley Research Inc.,

Disclaimer: Steve Whiteley and Whiteley Research Inc. don't guarantee or imply that this
software is suitable for any purpose. This is free public domain software, use at your
own risk.

More help is to be found in the built-in help or in the stand-alone help reader kichelp
(which accesses the same file).


directory where technology files, logo font, and help texts are stored (default
depends on the installation, probably /usr/lib/kic)

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