LAindex - Online in the Cloud

This is the command LAindex that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



LAindex - index Daligner alignment files


LAindex -v source:las ...


LAindex takes a series of one or more sorted .las files and produces a "pile index" for
each one. If the input file has name X.las, then the name of its index file is
.X.las.idx. For each A-read pile encoded in the .las file, the index contains the offset
to the first local alignment with A in the file. The index starts with four 64-bit
integers that encode the numbers % P, + T, % T, and @ T described for LAdump(1), and then
an offset for each pile beginning with the first A-read in the file (which may not be read
0). The index is meant to allow programs that process piles to more efficiently read just
the piles they need at any momment int time, as opposed to having to sequentially scan
through the .las file.

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