linphonecsh - Online in the Cloud

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linphonecsh - Sends a command to a linphonec running in daemon mode, and exits.


linphonecsh init <optional linphonec args>
linphonecsh exit
linphonecsh generic <linphonec command line surrounded by quotes>
linphonecsh register --username <username> --host <proxy> --password <password>
linphonecsh unregister
linphonecsh dial <sip address or number>
linphonecsh status <domain = one of 'register', 'hook', 'autoanswer'>
linphonecsh --help


Linphonecsh is a small utility to send basic commands to a linphonec (console mode
linphone) process. Unlike linphonec, linphonecsh does not wait commands from standard
input: it takes the command from its arguments and sends it using unix pipe to a linphonec
process started in daemon mode. The motivation for this tool is for example to simply
execute voip calls from scripts, web-servers, or javascript web pages.

The very first thing to do before doing actions is to ask linphonecsh to spawn a linphonec
daemon using

linphonecsh init
The resulting linphonec daemon does not read or write any configuration file.

When the linphonec daemon is no more needed, the following commands makes it exit

linphonecsh exit

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