lircrcd - Online in the Cloud

This is the command lircrcd that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



lircrcd - daemon to handle consistent .lircrc state among client applications


lircrcd [options] config-file


lircrcd reads the given .lircrc config file and synchronises the mode that the LIRC
clients using this config file (irexec(1), irxevent(1) , etc.) are in. Using lircrcd has
to be explicitly enabled in the config file by adding the following line at the beginning
of the file:
#! lircrcd

-h --help
display this message

-v --version
display version

-p --permission=mode
file permissions for socket

-o --output=socket
output socket filename


-p, --premission=mode
The --permission option gives the file permission of the Unix domain socket lircrcd
creates on startup in octal representation. Read the documentation for chmod for
further details. If no --permission option is given when the socket is created the
default is to give only the user owning the file read and write permissions (0600
in octal representation).

-o, --output=socket
With the --output option you can select the Unix domain socket, which lircrcd will
create. The default is to append a "d" character to the config filename given.

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