megals - Online in the Cloud

This is the command megals that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



megals - List files stored in the cloud


megals [-e] [-h] [--header] [-l] [-R] [-n] [<remotepaths>...]


Lists files stored on, exports public download links.


--export, -e
For all files that are going to be listed, also display public download link with file

NOTE: Folders export doesn’t work yet.

--human, -h
Display file sizes in a human readable format.

For long list format, display header describing all listed columns.

--long, -l
List additional information about listed filesystem nodes. Node handle, owner, node
type, file size, and the last modification date.

--recursive, -R
List directories recursively. This is the default if no paths are specified.

--names, -n
Show only names of nodes within the directory. This option has effect only if you
specified a single path on a command line.

-u <email>, --username <email>
Account username (email)

-p <password>, --password <password>
Account password

--config <path>
Load configuration from a file

Disable loading .megarc

Never ask interactively for a password

Never generate and upload file previews, when uploading new files

Reload filesystem cache

--debug [<options>]
Enable debugging of various aspects of the megatools operation. You may enable
multiple debugging options separated by commas. (eg. --debug api,fs)

Available options are:

· api: Dump API calls

· fs: Dump filesystem (may require --reload to actually print something)

· cache: Dump cache contents

Show version information

One or more remote filesystem paths to list. If path points to a directory, contents
of the directory and the directory itself is listed. When --names is given, only the
contents of the directory is listed.

If path points to a file, the file itself is listed.

If ommited, the entire remote filesystem is listed recursively.


· List all files:

$ megals


· List all files in the /Root, recursively and with details:

$ megals -l /Root

3RsS2QwJ 2 - 2013-01-22 12:31:06 /Root
2FFSiaKZ Xz2tWWB5Dmo 0 2686 2013-04-15 08:33:47 /Root/README
udtDgR7I Xz2tWWB5Dmo 0 4405067776 2013-04-10 19:16:02 /Root/bigfile

· List all files in the /Root, recursively and with details, show only file names:

$ megals -ln /Root

2FFSiaKZ Xz2tWWB5Dmo 0 2686 2013-04-15 08:33:47 README
udtDgR7I Xz2tWWB5Dmo 0 4405067776 2013-04-10 19:16:02 bigfile

· Export download links:

$ megals -e /Root/README!OFFRlbgR!k5rWmLp3mxB0gsq07Ii67PLd9L0wq4KondFLDlfH3Uw /Root/README

· List files in a more human readable format:

$ megals -hnl --header /Root/README

Handle Owner T Size Mod. Date Filename
2FFSiaKZ Xz2tWWB5Dmo 0 2.6 KiB 2013-04-15 08:33:47 README

REMOTE FILESYSTEM filesystem is represented as a tree of nodes of various types. Nodes are
identified by a 8 character node handles (eg. 7Fdi3ZjC). Structure of the filesystem is
not encrypted.

Megatools maps node tree structure to a traditional filesystem paths (eg.

NOTE: By the nature of storage, several files in the directory can have the same
name. To allow access to such files, the names of conflicting files are extended by
appending dot and their node handle like this:


You need to be aware of several special folders:

Writable directory representing the root of the filesystem.

Trash directory where web client moves deleted files. This directory is not
used by megatools when removing files.

Not sure.

Directory containing subdirectories representing your contacts list. If you want to
add contacts to the list, simply create subdirectory named after the contact you want
to add.

Directories representing individual contacts in your contacts list. These directories
contain folders that others shared with you. All shared files are read-only, at the

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