pts_quit - Online in the Cloud

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pts_quit - Exit from pts interactive mode


pts quit [-cell] <cell name> [-noauth] [-localauth]

pts q [-c] <cell name> [-n] [-l] [-f]


The pts quit command exits from pts interactive mode. The command can be run from the
command line or interactively, but on the command line it does nothing and is therefore of
questionable utility.


Prior to OpenAFS 1.4.5 and OpenAFS 1.5.23, the pts quit command was only available on Unix
or Linux and when OpenAFS was compiled with the supergroups option (disabled by default).
As of OpenAFS 1.4.5 and 1.5.23, it is always available.


Although they have no effect, pts quit takes the following standard pts options:

-cell <cell name>
Names the cell in which to run the command. For more details, see pts(1).

Enables the command to continue executing as far as possible when errors or other
problems occur, rather than halting execution at the first error.

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.

Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
file. Do not combine this flag with the -cell or -noauth options. For more details,
see pts(1).

Assigns the unprivileged identity anonymous to the issuer. For more details, see


This command produces no output.


Here is an example of a pts interactive session:

% pts interactive
pts> quit

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