regdiff - Online in the Cloud

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regdiff - Diff program for Windows registry files


regdiff [--help] [--backend=BACKEND] [--credentials=CREDENTIALS] [location]


regdiff compares two Windows registry files key by key and value by value and generates a
text file that contains the differences between the two files.

A file generated by regdiff can later be applied to a registry file by the regpatch

regdiff and regpatch use the same file format as the regedit32.exe utility from Windows.


Show list of available options.

--backend BACKEND
Name of backend to load. Possible values are: creg, regf, dir and rpc. The default is

This argument can be specified twice: once for the first registry file and once for
the second.

Credentials to use, if any. Password should be separated from user name by a percent

This argument can be specified twice: once for the first registry file and once for
the second.


This man page is correct for version 4.0 of the Samba suite.

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