roger_cli - Online in the Cloud

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roger_cli - Command Line Router Manager




roger_cli is the Roger Router command line client for managing the FRITZ!Box. It can be
used to print the current FRITZ!Box journal to the screen, initiate calls or send


The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two
dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-h, --help
Show summary of options.

-d, --debug
Enable debug messages.

-j, --journal
Prints journal of incoming and outgoing calls.

-s, --sendfax
Initiate sending of a facsimile. Requires -f file (in PS or PF format) and -n
number to be given as well.

-c, --call
Initiate an outgoing call by softphone. Requires -n number to be given as well.

-f file, --file=file
File name of a PDF or PostScript file containing the facsimile to send.

-n number, --number=number
Remote telephone or facsimile number.

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