testdrive - Online in the Cloud

This is the command testdrive that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



testdrive - Test Drive the current Ubuntu Development Snapshot in a VM


testdrive [-d] [-f FILE] [-l FLAVOR] [-r RELEASE] [-u URL] [-v|--version]


-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-f CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
user configuration file (overriding default values

-v, --version
print version and system data, and exit

-u URL, --url=URL
get ISO image from this URL location

-d, --desktop
try to launch usb-creator for further testing

-r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE
hardcode Ubuntu RELEASE codename

-l FLAVOR, --flavor=FLAVOR
hardcode Ubuntu flavor. Available Flavors:
ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu/mythbuntu/ubuntustudio /lubuntu/ubuntukylin

hardcode Ubuntu repository from where to obtain ISOs:

-c, --curses
displays the Virtual Machine in the shell. Only valid for Cloud images.


testdrive is a utility that allows you to easily download the latest Ubuntu development
release or Cloud image, and run it in a virtual machine.

The global configuration file, /etc/testdriverc, is sourced first, followed by the user's
local configuration file, ~/.testdriverc, and xdg configuration

Users wanting to change the behavior default configuration can make a copy of the global
configuration /etc/testdriverc, and either store it as ~/.testdriverc, or as another file
and pass that filename on the command line.

Downloaded ISO files and disk images are stored in ~/.cache/testdrive, and may optionally
be cleaned out, periodically.


Specify repository (Defaults to Ubuntu development release):
testdrive -p cdimage
testdrive -p releases
testdrive -p cloud-daily

Specify repository and flavor (Defaults to latest Ubuntu release available):
testdrive -p cdimage -l kubuntu
testdrive -p releases -l kubuntu
testdrive -p cloud-daily -l cloud-server

Launch local ISO image:
testdrive -u /local/path/to/image.iso

Launch Cloud local image
testdrive -u /local/path/to/cloud-image.tar.gz

Launch Cloud local image with KVM curses
testdrive -u /local/path/to/cloud-image.tar.gz --curses

Use testdrive online using onworks.net services

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