xpad - Online in the Cloud

This is the command xpad that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xpad - A sticky notes application for GTK+ 3.0


xpad [OPTIONS]


A sticky notes application for GTK+ 3.0.


-v, --version
Display version information.

-?, --help
Display usage information.

-h, --hide
Hides existing pads on startup. All pads will be hidden, so unless the tray icon
is present or you also specify --new, xpad will exit immediately.

-s, --show
Shows existing pads on startup.

-t, --toggle
Toggle between showing and hiding each of the existing pads on startup.

-n, --new
Open a new pad.

-N, --no-new
Prevents xpad from making a new pad on startup. A new pad would be created if xpad
is already running and is run again or if there are no old pads to load.

-f, --new-from-file=FILE
Create a new pad with the contents of a file

-q, --quit
Closes all open pads and terminates the xpad processes.

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