xsec-txfmout - Online in the Cloud

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xmlsec-txfmout - Output XML transforms used when validating a signature


xmlsec-txfmout [-s] [-o] [-r [n]] [-n] input


xmlsec-txfmout outputs the results of various transforms that are used when verifying
signatures on an XML document. By default, the output is sent to standard output.


Note that each option must be given as a separate argument.

--newfiles, -n
Create a new output file for each reference or SignedInfo. This should be specified
in conjunction with -o. The file names will be formed by appending "." and a number.

--out file, -o file
Instead of printing the transform results to standard output, write them to the
specified file.

--references [num], -r [num]
Output only references. If num is given, it specifies a single numbered reference to

--signedinfo, -s
Output canonicalized SignedInfo only.

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