xtokid - Online in the Cloud

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xtokid - Print all tokens found in a source file


xtokid [OPTION]... [FILE]...


Print all tokens found in a source file.

-i, --include=LANGS
include languages in LANGS (default: "C C++ asm")

-x, --exclude=LANGS
exclude languages in LANGS

-l, --lang-option=L:OPT pass OPT as a default for language L (see below)

-m, --lang-map=MAPFILE
use MAPFILE to map file names onto source language

-d, --default-lang=LANG
make LANG the default source language

-p, --prune=NAMES
exclude the named files and/or directories

tokenize only the files specified by NUL-terminated names in file F

--help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit

The following arguments apply to the language-specific scanners:

C language:
Allow CHARS in single-token strings, keep the result

Allow CHARS in single-token strings, toss the result

Strip a leading underscore from single-token strings

C++ language:
Allow CHARS in single-token strings, keep the result

Allow CHARS in single-token strings, toss the result

Strip a leading underscore from single-token strings

Java language:
Allow CHARS in single-token strings, keep the result

Allow CHARS in single-token strings, toss the result

Strip a leading underscore from single-token strings

Assembly language:
Any of CHARS starts a comment until end-of-line

Allow CHARS in tokens, and keep the result

Allow CHARS in tokens, and toss the result

Strip a leading underscore from tokens

Don't handle C pre-processor directives

Text language:
Treat characters of CHAR-CLASS as token constituents

Treat characters of CHAR-CLASS as token delimiters

Perl language:
Treat characters of CHAR-CLASS as token constituents

Treat characters of CHAR-CLASS as token delimiters

Include documentation tags

Lisp language:


Report bugs to bug-idutils@gnu.org

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