ajaxterm - Online in the Cloud

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ajaxterm - Web based terminal written in python


ajaxterm is a web based terminal written in python and some AJAX javascript for client
side. It can use almost any web browser and even works through firewalls.


ajaxterm [options]


A summary of the options supported by ajaxterm is included below.

-h, --help
show the help message and exit

-p PORT, --port=PORT
Set the TCP port (default: 8022)

-c CMD, --command=CMD
set the command (default: /bin/login or ssh localhost)

-l, --log
log requests to stderr (default: quiet mode)

-d, --daemon
run as daemon in the background

set the pidfile (default: /var/run/ajaxterm.pid)

default index file (default: ajaxterm.html)

-u UID, --uid=UID
Set the daemon's user id

Use a different port than 22 to connect to the ssh server

-t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN
Set authorization token. If this option is passed on the command line, the given
token must be used when accessing ajaxterm (by adding a ?token=something request

-T SECONDS, --terminate-on-idle=SECONDS
Terminate if idle for more than SEC seconds (0 means never)

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