bct_dump - Online in the Cloud

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bct_dump — tegra boot config table (bct) dumping utility


bct_dump [bct filename to read and display]


This manual page documents briefly the bct_dump command.

bct_dump is used to convert the contents of a boot config table (BCT) used in NVIDIA Tegra
devices, ready to be further proceeded by cbootimage (1). The BCT is usually placed in
the first bytes of the storage device and can be extracted using tegrarcm(1).

The BCT is a data structure that provides basic initialization parameters, and defines the
bootloader to execute.

The BCT contains:

· Header information, such as cryptographic validation hashes and size information.

· Boot memory configuration. This allows the boot memory controller to be programmed
optimally, in order to read the bootloader.

· SDRAM controller configuration. This allows the SDRAM controller to be programmed,
and hence external SDRAM accessed.

· A bad block table.

· Information about the bootloader to execute.

· A "customer data" area, which may be used to store arbitrary customer- or device-
software-specific data. This area includes the ODMDATA.


filename bcd filename to read and display.

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