bpstats2 - Online in the Cloud

This is the command bpstats2 that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bpstats2 - Bundle Protocol (BP) processing statistics query utility via bundles


bpstats2 sourceEID [default destEID] [ct]


bpstats2 creates bundles containing the current values of all BP processing statistics
accumulators. It creates these bundles when:

· an interrogation bundle is delivered to sourceEID: the contents of the bundle are
discarded, a new statistics bundle is generated and sent to the source of the
interrogation bundle. The format of the interrogation bundle is irrelevant.

· a SIGUSR1 signal is delivered to the bpstats2 application: a new statistics bundle is
generated and sent to default destEID.


"0" bpstats2 has terminated. Any problems encountered during operation will be noted in
the ion.log log file.

"1" bpstats2 failed to start up or receive bundles. Diagnose the issue reported in the
ion.log file and try again.


If the string "ct" is appended as the last argument, then statistics bundles will be
sent with custody transfer requested.

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