dpt-forward-patch - Online in the Cloud

This is the command dpt-forward-patch that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



forward-patch - Forward a patch to CPAN's request tracker


forward-patch [option...] PATCH [DISTRIBUTION]

$ forward-patch some-patch.patch Some-Dist # explicitly set dist name
$ forward-patch some-patch.patch # make f-p read dist name from debian/control


If the distribution name is not set from the command-line forward-patch will also look at
the "Homepage" field in the "debian/control" file or the "Source" filed in
"debian/copyright" and extracts the name from there.

forward-patch will use by default the "DEBFULLNAME" and "DEBEMAIL" environment variables
to retrieve information about the ticket author. If not set, getpwuid and the "EMAIL"
environment variable will be used.


--tracker tracker-name
Instructs forward-patch to use the specified issue tracker.

Supported values for tracker-name are:

Uses GitHub API to submit the patch as an issue. Requires proper
"resources->repository" in META.

Submits the patch to <http://rt.cpan.org>.

The default is determined by the "resources.bugs" and "resources.repository" values in

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