evemu-play - Online in the Cloud

This is the command evemu-play that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



evemu-device, evemu-play, evemu-event - create a virtual input device and replay an event


evemu-device [description-file]

evemu-play /dev/input/eventX < event-sequence

evemu-event /dev/input/eventX [--sync] --type <type> --code <code> --value <value>


evemu-device creates a virtual input device based on the description-file. This
description is usually created by evemu-describe(1). evemu-device then creates a new input
device with uinput and prints the name and the device file to stdout.

evemu-play replays the event sequence given on stdin through the input device. The event
sequence must be in the form created by evemu-record(1).

evemu-event plays exactly one event with the current time. If --sync is given, evemu-event
generates an EV_SYN event after the event. The event type and code may be specified as the
numerical value or the symbolic name from linux/input.h.

evemu-device must be able to write to the uinput device node, and evemu-play must be able
to write to the device node specified; in most cases this means it must be run as root.

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