gbplot - Online in the Cloud

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gbplot - gnuplot command line interface


gbplot [options] [command] [specstring] < datafile


This command produce simple plots from the command line using the 'gnuplot' program.
'comand' is one of the gnuplot commands: 'plot' or 'splot' while 'specstring' is a list of
gnuplot specifications. In order to escape shell interpretation place 'specstring' between
double quotes. It is possible to specify the type of terminal and output file name as
command line options. It is also possible to start an interactive session, useful to
adjust plot parameters by hand. The program can be used in a shell pipe, as in

cat datafile | gbplot [options] [command] [specstring]


-h print this help

-i start interactive session after the plot

-T set a different terminal

-o set an ouptut file

-t assign a title to the plot

-p prepend expression to plot command

-l set log; possible values x,y and xy

-C command to be run before the plot

-v verbose output: print commands to standard error

same as '-h'

--version print the program version


Two plots: one using line and one using points.

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot plot "u 0:1 w l title 'line', '' u 0:1 w p title 'point'"

Save the plot in PDF format in a file named 'test.pdf'

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot -T pdf -o test.pdf plot "u 0:1 w l title 'line'"

Set log on the y axis

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot -l y plot "u 0:1 w l title 'line', '' u 0:1 w p title

Set log on the x axis and a grid

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot -l x -C "set grid" plot "u 0:1 w l title 'line', '' u 0:1 w
p title 'point'"

Set a grid and the position of the legend

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot -C "set grid" -C "set key bottom right" plot "u 0:1 w l
title 'line', '' u 0:1 w p title 'point'"

Compute the value of the gamma function on a set of points; gawk is used to filer the
relevant numbers

echo "1\n2\n3" | gbplot -C "set table" plot 'u (gamma(--help))' | gawk '/ i/{print

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