gt-matchtool - Online in the Cloud

This is the command gt-matchtool that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gt-matchtool - Parse match formats and/or invoke matching tools.


gt matchtool [option ...]


-type [...]
choose match file format: OPENMATCH: open match format, e.g. vmatch BLASTOUT : tabular
BLAST output (-m 8) BLASTALLP: invoke BLASTALL with blastp BLASTALLN: invoke BLASTALL
with blastn BLASTP : invoke blastp BLASTN : invoke blastn LAST : invoke LAST SW : use
Smith-Waterman (default: OPENMATCH)

-matchfile [filename]
set input file name (default: undefined)

-db [filename]
set database file name (default: undefined)

-swminlen [value]
set minimum required alignment length (for Smith-Waterman alignment) (default: 10)

-swmaxedist [value]
set maximum allowed edit distance (for Smith-Waterman alignment) (default: 0)

-query [filename]
set query file name (default: undefined)

display help and exit

display version information and exit


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