ipetoipe - Online in the Cloud

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ipetoipe - Convert between Ipe file formats


ipetoipe ( -pdf | -xml ) { options } input-file [ output-file ]


ipetoipe converts between the two Ipe file formats XML and PDF. Options are:

-pdf convert to PDF format

-xml convert to XML format

do not include Ipe markup in the output file.
Warning: this means that Ipe will not be able to read the resulting output file.

-pages from-to
restrict exporting to PDF to this page range. This implies the -export option.

-view page-view
only export this single view from the document. This implies the -export option.

create a PDF page only for the marked views of marked Ipe pages. This is for
instance convenient for making handouts for slides used in a presentation. This
implies the -export option.

run Latex even for XML output. This has the effect of including the dimensions of
each text object in the XML file.

-nozip do not compress streams in PDF or Postscript output.


ipetoipe respects the following environment variables:

the directory where ipetoipe runs Pdflatex.

set this to 1 for debugging output.

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