katalyzer - Online in the Cloud

This is the command katalyzer that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



katalyzer - analyzes Kate streams and displays various information about them.


katalyzer [-hV] [-l types] [-l!] [ infile ]


katalyzer analyzes Kate streams and displays information about them. The type of
information to select is selectable on the command line. Several multiplexed Kate streams
may be analyzed at the same time.


-h Show command line help.

-V Show version information.

-l types
Select the types of information to log, from the list below. These characters may
be concatenated in a single -l option, as, eg, ls does (eg, katalyzer -l Ttv).
Refer to the katalyzer command line help for a fully up to date list of types.
e: errors
p: packet
c: container specific information
T: Timing
t: text
v: event
d: dump page and packets
S: statistics
-: miscellaneous information that doesn't belong in any other type

-l! Shorthand to select all information to log.


Analyzes any Kate stream in an Ogg file:

katalyzer input.ogg

Analyzes any Kate stream in an Ogg file, displaying only errors:

katalyzer -l e input.ogg

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