tftpd - Online in the Cloud

This is the command tftpd that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



tftpd - Cobbler tftpd service


tftpd [-h,--help] [-v,--verbose] [-d,--debug] [--version]



A python, cobbler integrated TFTP server. It is suitable to call via xinetd, or as a
stand-alone daemon. If called via xinetd, it will run, handling requests, until it has
been idle for at least 30 seconds, and will then exit.

This server queries cobbler for information about hosts that make requests, and will
instantiate template files from the materialized hosts' 'fetchable_files' attribute.


Douglas Kilpatrick <>


This script is in the public domain, free from copyrights or restrictions




Requirement: retransmit Requirement: Ignore stale retrainsmits Security: only
return files that are o+r Security: support hosts.allow/deny Security: Make
absolute path support optional, and default off Feature: support blksize2
(blksize, limited to powers of 2) Feature: support utimeout (timeout, in ms)


show program's version number and exit

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-v, --verbose
Increase output verbosity

-d, --debug
Debug (vastly increases output verbosity)

-c, --cache
Use a cache to help find hosts w/o IP address

How long an ip->name mapping is valid

How long an ip->name mapping is valid

The location of the 'file' command

How long to wait for input

How to log

The maximum block size to permit

The port to bind to for new requests

Where files are stored by default [/var/lib/tftpboot]

How long to wait for a given request

The user to run as [nobody]

alias for --max-blksize, for in.tftpd compatibility


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