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tftp - Online in the Cloud

Run tftp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command tftp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



tftp - IPv4 Trivial File Transfer Protocol client


tftp [ options... ] [host [port]] [-c command]


tftp is a client for the Trivial file Transfer Protocol, which can be used to transfer
files to and from remote machines, including some very minimalistic, usually embedded,
systems. The remote host may be specified on the command line, in which case tftp uses
host as the default host for future transfers (see the connect command below.)


-4 Connect with IPv4 only, even if IPv6 support was compiled in.

-6 Connect with IPv6 only, if compiled in.

-c command
Execute command as if it had been entered on the tftp prompt. Must be specified
last on the command line.

-l Default to literal mode. Used to avoid special processing of ':' in a file name.

-m mode
Set the default transfer mode to mode. This is usually used with -c.

-R port:port
Force the originating port number to be in the specified range of port numbers.

-v Default to verbose mode.

-V Print the version number and configuration to standard output, then exit


Once tftp is running, it issues the prompt tftp> and recognizes the following commands:

? command-name...

help command-name...
Print help information

ascii Shorthand for mode ascii.

binary Shorthand for mode binary.

connect host [port]
Set the host (and optionally port) for transfers. Note that the TFTP protocol,
unlike the FTP protocol, does not maintain connections between transfers; thus, the
connect command does not actually create a connection, but merely remembers what
host is to be used for transfers. You do not have to use the connect command; the
remote host can be specified as part of the get or put commands.

get file
get remotefile localfile
get file1 file2 file3...
Get a file or set of files from the specified sources. A remote filename can be in
one of two forms: a plain filename on the remote host, if the host has already been
specified, or a string of the form host:filename to specify both a host and
filename at the same time. If the latter form is used, the last hostname specified
becomes the default for future transfers. Enable literal mode to prevent special
treatment of the ':' character (e.g. C:\dir\file).

Toggle literal mode. When set, this mode prevents special treatment of ':' in

mode transfer-mode
Specify the mode for transfers; transfer-mode may be one of ascii (or netascii) or
binary (or octet.) The default is ascii.

put file
put localfile remotefile
put file1 file2 file3... remote-directory
Put a file or set of files to the specified remote file or directory. The
destination can be in one of two forms: a filename on the remote host, if the host
has already been specified, or a string of the form host:filename to specify both a
host and filename at the same time. If the latter form is used, the hostname
specified becomes the default for future transfers. If the remote-directory form
is used, the remote host is assumed to be a UNIX system or another system using /
as directory separator. Enable literal mode to prevent special treatment of the
':' character (e.g. C:\dir\file).

quit Exit tftp. End-of-file will also exit.

rexmt retransmission-timeout
Set the per-packet retransmission timeout, in seconds.

status Show current status.

timeout total-transmission-timeout
Set the total transmission timeout, in seconds.

trace Toggle packet tracing (a debugging feature.)

Toggle verbose mode.


The TFTP protocol provides no provisions for authentication or security. Therefore, the
remote server will probably implement some kinds of access restriction or firewalling.
These access restrictions are likely to be site- and server-specific.

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