wlock - Online in the Cloud

This is the command wlock that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



wlock - Tests or sets a file with POSIX-fcntl() write-locks


wlock [ -s [-a seconds ]] [ -t] [ -v] [ -b begin ] [ -l length ] file
wlock [ -s ] [ -v] [ -b begin ] [ -l length ] file program [ arguments ]


This program sets or tests advisory locks conforming to POSIX fcntl() call. You may
specify optionaly a program to start it within the lock context.


These options are accepted. If a program is provided as argument wlock will start it.

-s Sets the lock.

-t Test the lock (default).

-v Verbose output.

-b begin
The lock starts at byte #begin.

-l length
The lock will be length bytes long.

-a seconds
The lock is active for seconds (default=86400).


0 In test mode this means that the file is locked. In set mode it indicates the
succesful creation of the lockfile

1 The file is not locked. Only available in testmode.

2 Some error has occurred.

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