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Aceasta este comanda mmseg care poate fi rulată în furnizorul de găzduire gratuit OnWorks folosind una dintre multiplele noastre stații de lucru online gratuite, cum ar fi Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, emulator online Windows sau emulator online MAC OS



mmseg - text chinezesc al segmentului maxim de potrivire.


mmseg -d fişier_dict [opțiune]... [fisier_corpus] ...


mmseg este un instrument pentru segmentarea textului chinezesc în cuvinte folosind algoritmul de potrivire maximă.
mmseg segmente fisier_corpus, sau intrare standard dacă nu este specificat niciun nume de fișier și scrieți
rezultat segmentat la ieșirea standard.


-d fişier_dict
Utilizare fişier_dict ca lexic. Un lexicon implicit poate fi găsit la

-f,--format (a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. |bin)
Format de ieșire, poate fi „text” sau „bin”. „bin” implicit. În mod normal, în modul text, cuvânt
text sunt ieșiți, în timp ce în modul binar, sunt numere întregi scurte ale cuvintelor-id
scris la stdout.

-s, --stok STOK_ID
ID-ul simbolului propoziției. Implicit 10. Va fi scris la ieșire în modul binar după
fiecare propoziție.

-i, --show-id
Afișați informații despre ID. În modul format de ieșire text, atașați id-ul după cuvintele cunoscute. Dacă sub
modul binar, imprimați ID-urile în text.

-a, --ambiguious-id AMBI-ID
Mijloace ambiguu ABC => A BC or AB C. Dacă este specificat (AMBI-ID != 0), succesiunea ABC
nu va fi segmentat, în modul binar, cel AMBI-ID este scris; în modul text,
" ABC " va fi scos. Implicit este 0.


În binar modul, id-ul consecutiv de 0 sunt îmbinate într-unul 0. Sub a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. mod, fără spațiu
sunt inserate între cuvinte-necunoscute.

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