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wiki2beamer - convertiți textul formatat wiki în cod latex-beamer


wiki2beamer [OPȚIUNE...] [FILE...]


FILE fișierele text care urmează să fie procesate

afișează un scurt ajutor de utilizare

afișează informații despre versiune

-o,--ieșire FILE
scrie ieșire în FILE în loc de stdout


De obicei, doriți să canalizați rezultatul wiki2beamer într-un fișier:

wiki2beamer footalk.txt > footalk.tex

Dacă este apelat cu mai multe fișiere de intrare, wiki2beamer le procesează în ordine cu acestea
continutul fiind pur si simplu concatenat. Dacă este apelat fără niciun fișier de intrare, wiki2beamer va face acest lucru
încercați să citiți intrarea de la STDIN. Dacă nu sunt furnizate fișiere de intrare și nu este nimic disponibil
pe STDIN, wiki2beamer își tipărește mesajul de utilizare și iese.

Dacă apare o eroare, wiki2beamer returnează un cod de returnare, altul decât 0.


Wiki2beamer are propria sa sintaxă wiki care (a evoluat fără prea mult concept ;) și) este
descris mai jos. Tot ceea ce este necunoscut pentru wiki2beamer va fi transmis către
Ieșire LaTeX (cu excepția cazului în medii speciale).

Un fișier txt wiki2beamer poate consta din două secțiuni: cap și corp. Capul este
opțional și este un mediu de șablon automat. Corpul conține conținutul
document. Dacă nu este dat capul (autoșablon), atunci va fi doar codul pentru corp
generat și poate fi inclus într-un fișier șablon LaTeX creat manual.

Puteți împărți intrarea în wiki2beamer în mai multe fișiere. Acest lucru ajută la menținerea lucrurilor separate
și evită conflictele. Există două moduri de a împărți intrarea. Primul este să folosiți mai multe
fișiere de intrare pe care wiki2beamer le va citi și procesa în ordine ca și cum ar fi unul
fișier concatenat. Al doilea este să folosiți sintaxa >>>include<<<.

Includeți fișierul numit includefile la această linie. Funcționează recursiv. Fără sfârşit
recursiunea va fi detectată și tratată ca o eroare. Includerea fișierelor nu funcționează
în mediile [nowiki] și [code] (vezi mai jos).

== nume secțiune ==
deschide o secțiune numită nume secțiune

== longsectionname ==[nume scurt]
deschide o secțiune numită longsectionname, trecând parametrul nume scurt la latex

=== subsectname ===
deschide o subsecțiune numită subsectname

=== longsubsectname === [nume scurt]
deschide o subsecțiune numită longsubsectname, trecând parametrul nume scurt la latex

==== frametitle ====
deschide un cadru cu titlul frametitle

==== frametitle ====[PARAM]
deschide un cadru cu titlul frametitle, trece cadru PARAMeterni ca t, fragil,
textual etc la latex

!==== frametitle ====[PARAM]
cel ! adăugat în fața unui cadru, selectează un cadru pentru generare exclusivă. Aceasta
face ca wiki2beamer să sari peste toate cadrele care nu sunt selectate. Puteți selecta mai multe
rame. Acest lucru poate accelera masiv ciclul de editare-compilare-vizualizare.

Comenzile de secționare funcționează numai la începutul unei linii.

* a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. creați un glonț (itemize) cu a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

*<alunecare> a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.
creați un glonț (itemize) cu a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. care apare doar pe diapozitivele specificate

# a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. creați un articol numerotat (enumerați) cu a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

#<alunecare> a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.
creați un articol numerotat (enumerați) cu a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. care apare doar pe cele specificate
diapozitive (alunecare)

Liste în cascadă, articole mixte ordonate și neordonate:

* Aceasta este o listă nebună.
*# Conține articole diferite.
*# În diferite formate.
*** Pe diferite niveluri.
***<2-> care sunt animate
*<3-> Destul de distracție.
**<4-> Nu-i așa?

LaTeX cunoaște multe medii, dintre care unele sunt la fel de simple ca \begin{center} \end{center},
altele sunt mai complicate. Pentru a le folosi într-un mod mai asemănător wiki-ului, utilizați <[name] to
deschide și [nume]> pentru a închide mediile. Va fi pur și simplu convertit în \begin{name} și

Nu se face nicio analiză. Utilizatorul este responsabil pentru închiderea oricărui mediu deschis.
Etichetele de mediu sunt recunoscute doar la începutul unei linii.

Spre deosebire de mediile standard, unele nume de mediu sunt recunoscute de wiki2beamer. Aceste
sunt: ​​nowiki, code, autotemplate și frame. Dacă wiki2beamer detectează una dintre acestea, va funcționa
unele analize avansate, care chiar pot eșua cu o eroare de sintaxă.

Autotemplate poate fi folosit la începutul unui fișier .txt beamer. Acesta va crea
necesare antete LaTeX pentru a compila conținutul.

deschide mediul autotemplate

închide mediul autotemplate

cheie=valoare (în interiorul [autotemplate])
inserați o comandă șablon \valoare cheie

Perechile cheie=valoare sunt convertite în \keyvalue în rezultat (cu excepția cheilor speciale) --
totul după = este doar atașat la \key.


va fi convertit în \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}.

Există un set încorporat de opțiuni:

lstdefinestyle={de bază}{....}

titleframe este o cheie specială care îi spune lui wiki2beamer să creeze un cadru de titlu. Pentru a seta
titlul, subtitrarea și autorul prezentării folosesc cheile titlu, subtitlu și autor.
Suprascrierea opțiunilor implicite funcționează

· nivel per-cheie pentru: documentclass, titleframe

· nivel per-pachet pentru: usepackage

· fără suprascriere pentru: orice altceva

Utilizați medii de cod pentru a afișa liste de coduri animate.

deschide un mediu de cod

deschide un mediu de cod care trece PARAMmai departe la mediul de listare latex.

închide mediul de cod


<[code] deschide mediul, [code]> îl închide, totul după ce <[code] este transmis
pachetul de liste LaTeX ca opțiuni pentru această listă. În mediul de cod, [
și ] trebuie să fie eliminate ca \[ și \]. Lucrurile dintre [ și ] sunt animații. Sunt două
tipuri de animatii:

· [ un cod] - arată „un cod” numai pe diapozitivele specificate

· [[ ceva cod][ un alt cod]] - arată „un cod” pe diapozitive
prima specificație, afișați „un alt cod” pe diapozitivele din a doua specificație, umpleți spațiu
pe diapozitive fără conținut cu spații

Specificațiile slide-ului pot fi de forma:

· n - un singur cadru n

· nm - succesiune de cadre de la n la m

· spec,spec,... - combinați mai multe specificații în pornit (de ex. <1-3,5>)

Nowiki-Environments scapă complet de înlocuirile wiki2beamer. [[nowiki] deschide
mediu, [nowiki]> îl închide.

Mediul LaTeX-frame este locul unde merge conținutul unui diapozitiv. Puteți închide manual
un cadru-mediu care a fost deschis cu ==== Frametitle ==== cu [frame]>. Wiki2beamer
este atunci conștient că ultimul cadru este deja închis și nu încearcă să-l închidă din nou.

'' 'a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. '' '
tipărit a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

''a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. ''
tipărit a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. cursiv

@a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. @ tipografie a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. la tipul de mașină de scris, pentru a ignora un @, evadați-l ca \@

!a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. ! alerta a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. , a ignora un !, scăpa-l ca \!

_ culoare _ a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. _
face a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. apare in culoare

deschide mediul coloanei

[[ lățime ]]]
creează o coloană de lățime, totul de mai jos intră în această coloană

închide mediul coloanei

include imaginea din pathtofile

include imaginea din pathtofile care trece cheie=valoare parametrii latexului

Note de subsol
((((a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. )))
creați o notă de subsol care să conțină a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

când este găsit la începutul liniei, fără nimic după aceea, introduceți un \vspace{lungime}
(spațiu vertical de lungime lungime)

la fel ca mai sus, dar introduceți un \vspace* (un vspace forțat)

\descoperiți conţinut pe dat acoperire subcadre. Ei vor prelua deja
spațiu, acestea trebuie afișate, astfel încât geometria cadrului să nu se schimbe când
elementul apare.

\arata doar conţinut pe dat acoperire subcadre. Ei nu vor prelua
spațiul în care trebuie să fie afișate, astfel încât geometria cadrului se schimbă atunci când
apare elementul.

--> devine $\rightarrow$

==> devine $\Rightarrow$

<-- devine $\leftarrow$

<== devine $\Leftarrow$

:-) devine \smiley (necesită pachetul wasysym)

:-( devine \frrownie (necesită pachetul wasysym)

Există două variabile, FRAMEHEADER și FRAMEFOOTER. Conținutul acestora va fi
inserat la începutul/sfârșitul tuturor diapozitivelor următoare.

@FRAMEHEADER=a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.
setați frameheader la a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

@FRAMFOOTER=a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.
setați framefooter la a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match.

Părăsi a) Sport and Nutrition Awareness Day in Manasia Around XNUMX people from the rural commune Manasia have participated in a sports and healthy nutrition oriented activity in one of the community’s sports ready yards. This activity was meant to gather, mainly, middle-aged people from a Romanian rural community and teach them about the benefits that sports have on both their mental and physical health and on how sporting activities can be used to bring people from a community closer together. Three trainers were made available for this event, so that the participants would get the best possible experience physically and so that they could have the best access possible to correct information and good sports/nutrition practices. b) Sports Awareness Day in Poiana Țapului A group of young participants have taken part in sporting activities meant to teach them about sporting conduct, fairplay, and safe physical activities. The day culminated with a football match. gol pentru a reseta anteturile și subsolurile cadrului.

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    Unități USB live pentru Ubuntu, Fedora și
    alte distribuții Linux fără
    arderea unui CD. Se rulează pe Windows, Linux,
    şi ...
    Descărcați UNetbootin
  • 5
    Dolibarr ERP - CRM
    Dolibarr ERP - CRM
    Dolibarr ERP - CRM este ușor de utilizat
    Pachetul software ERP și CRM open source
    (rulați cu un server web php sau ca
    software autonom) pentru companii,
    Descărcați Dolibarr ERP - CRM
  • 6
    Client SQL SQuirreL
    Client SQL SQuirreL
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    client scris în Java care va permite
    pentru a vizualiza structura unui JDBC
    baza de date conformă, răsfoiți datele în
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