

Favicon di OnWorks

festival_client - Online in the Cloud

Run festival_client in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command festival_client that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



festival_client - client access to festiva; text-to-speech server mode


festival_client [opzioni] [file0] [file1] ...


Allows sending commands and/or test to a festival test-to-speech server. Festival may be
started in server mode using the option --server

festival-client allows waveforms to be generated faster as not time is required for start
up. See the festival manual for more details on recommended use.


hostname (or IP number) of server

--porta {} 1314
port number of server process (1314)

file to save output waveform to

--otipo {riff}
output type for waveform

server passwd in plain text (optional)

filename containing commands to be sent to the server before standard commands
(useful when using --ttw)

--asincrono Asynchronous mode, server may send back multiple waveforms per text file

--ttw Text to waveform: take text from first arg or stdin get server to return
waveform(s) stored in output or operated on by aucommand.

Output lisp replies from server.

TTS mode for file (default is fundamental).

command to be applied to each waveform retruned from server. Use $FILE in string
to refer to waveform file

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