envstore - Online in the Cloud

This is the command envstore that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



envstore — save and restore environment variables


envstore command [args ...]


envstore can save and restore environment variables, thus transferring them between
different shells.

command must be one of

Forget all stored variables

Produce shell code for evaluation, restoring all saved variables

List saved variables in better readable format

save variable [value]
Save variable either with its current shell value or with value

rm variable
Remove variable from store

Note: Only the first character of command is checked, so envstore e instead of envstore
eval, envstore c for envstore clear, etc., are also valid.

For convenience, the options --version and --help are also supported.


ENVSTORE_FILE The file in which the environment parameters are stored, /tmp/envstore-EUID
by default,


Variable names or values must not contain null bytes or newlines.

Due to limitations imposed by most shells, it is not possible to save parameters containing
more than one consecutive whitespace. envstore will save and display them correctly, but
unless you do IFS trickery, your shell will not be able to load them.

The current maximum length (in bytes) is 255 bytes for the variable name and 1023 bytes for
its content.

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