g15stats - Online in the Cloud

This is the command g15stats that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



g15stats - A CPU/Memory/Swap usage meter for G15Daemon


The packages provides the following usage meter for LCD on some Logitech keyboards, usind

CPU Screen displays graphs of User/System/Nice and Idle time, along with LoadAVG and

Memory Screen displays Memory Total & Free, and graph of Used vs Buffered+Cached Memory.

Swap Screen displays Used, Free and Total swap space, along with the number
of pages currently paged in/out.

Network Screen displays Total bytes In/Out, history graph, Peak speed.


g15stats understands the following options:

-h,--help show usage information.

-d,--daemon run in background.

-i,--interface [interface] monitor network interface [interface] ie -i eth0.

-nsa,--net-scale-absolute scale net graphs against maximum speed seen.

Use g15stats online using onworks.net services

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