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indxbib - make inverted index for bibliographic databases


indxbib [ -vw ] [ -cfişier ] [ -ddir ] [ -ffişier ] [ -hn ] [ -işir ] [ -kn ] [ -ln ]
[ -nn ] [ -ofişier ] [ -tn ] [ nume de fișier... ]


indxbib makes an inverted index for the bibliographic databases in nume de fișier... for use
cu trimite(1), lookbib(1), și lkbib(1). The index will be named nume de fișier.i; the index is
written to a temporary file which is then renamed to this. If no filenames are given on
the command line because the -f option has been used, and no -o option is given, the index
va fi numit Ind.i.

Bibliographic databases are divided into records by blank lines. Within a record, each
fields starts with a % character at the beginning of a line. Fields have a one letter
name which follows the % caracter.

The values set by the -c, -n, -l și -t options are stored in the index; when the index is
searched, keys will be discarded and truncated in a manner appropriate to these options;
the original keys will be used for verifying that any record found using the index
actually contains the keys. This means that a user of an index need not know whether
these options were used in the creation of the index, provided that not all the keys to be
searched for would have been discarded during indexing and that the user supplies at least
the part of each key that would have remained after being truncated during indexing. The
valoarea stabilită de -i option is also stored in the index and will be used in verifying
records found using the index.


Este posibil să existe spațiu alb între o opțiune de linie de comandă și parametrul acesteia.

-v Tipăriți numărul versiunii.

-w Index whole files. Each file is a separate record.

-cfişier Read the list of common words from fişier în loc de /usr/share/groff/1.22.3/eign.

-ddir Utilizare dir as the pathname of the current working directory to store in the index,
instead of the path printed by PWD(1). Usually dir will be a symbolic link that
points to the directory printed by PWD(1).

-ffişier Read the files to be indexed from fişier. Dacă fişier is -, files will be read from the
standard input. The -f option can be given at most once.

Don't index the contents of fields whose names are in şir. Inițial şir is

-hn Use the first prime greater than or equal to n for the size of the hash table.
Larger values of n will usually make searching faster, but will make the index
mai mare şi indxbib use more memory. Initially n este 997.

-kn Utilizați cel mult n keys per input record. Initially n este 100.

-ln Discard keys that are shorter than n. Inițial n este 3.

-nn Renunțați la n most common words. Initially n este 100.

-onume de bază
The index should be named nume de bază.i.

-tn Truncate keys to n. Inițial n este 6.

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