This is the command cloog-isl that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
CLooG - The Chunky Loop Generator
cloog [ options | file ] ...
Options for code generation:
-l <depth>
Last loop depth to optimize (-1: infinity) (default setting: -1).
-f <depth>
First loop depth to start loop separation (-1: infinity) (default setting: 1).
-stop <depth>
Loop depth to stop code generation (-1: infinity) (default setting: -1).
-strides <boolean>
Handle non-unit strides (1) or not (0) (default setting: 0).
-first-unroll <depth> First loop dimension to unroll (-1: no unrolling)
Options for pretty printing:
-otl <boolean>
Simplify loops running one time (1) or not (0) (default setting: 1).
-esp <boolean>
Allow complex equalities spreading (1) or not (0) (default setting: 0).
-fsp <level>
First level to begin the spreading (default setting: 1).
-block <boolean>
Make a new statement block per iterator in C programs (1) or not (0) (default
setting: 0).
-compilable <number>
Compilable code by using preprocessor (not 0) or not (0), number being the value of
the parameters (default setting: 0).
-callable <boolean>
Testable code by using preprocessor (not 0) or not (0) (default setting: 0).
General options:
-o <output>
Name of the output file; 'stdout' is a special value: when used, output is standard
output (default setting: stdout).
-v, --version
Display the version information (and more).
-q, --quiet
Don't print any informational messages.
-h, --help
Display this information.
The special value 'stdin' for 'file' makes CLooG to read data on standard input.
For bug reporting or any suggestions, please send an email to the author
<[email protected]>.
----- This is a loop generator for scanning Z-polyhedra. It is based on the work of F.
Quillere and C. Bastoul on high level code generation and of the PolyLib Team on
polyhedral computation. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License (details at ----- It
would be fair to refer the following paper in any publication resulting from the use of
this software or its library: @InProceedings{Bas04, author = {Cedric Bastoul}, title
= {Code Generation in the Polyhedral Model Is Easier Than You Think}, booktitle =
{PACT'13 IEEE International Conference on Parallel Architecture
and Compilation Techniques},
pages = {7--16}, month = {september}, year = 2004, address =
{Juan-les-Pins} } ----- For any information, please ask the author at
<[email protected]>.
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